• Sunday, May 20, 2018 10:00 AM | Terrill Thompson (Administrator)

    Dharma talk given at the Spring 2018 retreat at Hidden Mountain Zendo. 

    Podcast: Play in new window

  • Wednesday, May 09, 2018 8:30 PM | Talus Latona (Administrator)
  • Wednesday, April 11, 2018 8:30 PM | Talus Latona (Administrator)
  • Wednesday, March 21, 2018 8:30 PM | Talus Latona (Administrator)
  • Wednesday, March 14, 2018 8:30 PM | Talus Latona (Administrator)

    Podcast: Play in new window

    Paul Gilbert's Fears of Compassion

    Click here to download the list of Fears of Compassion compiled by Paul Gilbert and used in this talk.

    Interfaith Witness Support of Rohingya

    Here is the email I mentioned at my last talk and also at the Annual Meeting. Hozan Alan Sanauke leaves on Friday for his trip to Bangladesh to support the Rohinga Muslims. To me this feels like one of those rare opportunities to give directly to people suffering on the other side of the world where we can be very confident the funds will be well used. Alan is co-abbot of Berkeley Zen Center and a life long activist.


    Dear Friends,

    On 23 March I am joining a group going out to the Rohingya refugee camps near Cox's Bazaar in Bangladesh. The Interfaith Witness to Stop Genocide in Burma consists of Muslims, Christians, Jews and at least this one Buddhist. We will meet with and interview refugees, talk with representatives of supporting NGOs, and have time both with press and government officials in Dhaka. I imagine this will be a difficult journey, but it is essential witness for those of us in the West, whose every religious tradition teaches compassion. 

    While my travel expenses are covered, I hope to bring donations of funds for Rohingya support, and connect with organizations that are reliably and accountably supporting the refugees. I know that many of you care about the plight of Rohingya people and have deep concerns about the actions of Burmese Buddhists. If you can help, we welcome your donations large and small at: Clear View Donation for Rohingya Relief


    Hozan Alan Senauke-- 

    Hozan Alan Senauke
    1933 Russell Street
    Berkeley, CA 94703

  • Saturday, March 03, 2018 10:30 AM | Talus Latona (Administrator)