COVID Safety

The RCZC Board has assembled a healthcare advisory team in response to the COVID pandemic. The team meets whenever the CDC issues new safety guidance, and updates our own guidelines accordingly. For the safety of all members of the sangha, we will continue to offer the Zoom option for programs whenever practical.

Questions about Covid policy? Please contact

Red Cedar Standard Event Covid Safety Guidelines

When attending practices and events in person, please adhere to the following safety protocols to help keep our members safe during the Covid pandemic. 

For overnight retreats, such as our sesshin at Samish Island, see these additional guidelines.

Exposed, Symptomatic, or Infected?

  1. If you are experiencing any symptoms of Covid (a runny nose, coughing, aches, congestion, and maybe a fever): Stay home from the Zendo, take a PCR or antigen test. 
  2. If negative for Covid, stay home until your symptoms have improved and you do not have a fever. 
  3. If you test positive for covid:  Stay home from the Zendo for 10 days from the day your symptoms started..
  4. After 10 days: You may return to Zendo if you do not have a fever  and other symptoms are improving.   Continue to mask until you are free of symptoms.

If you have been exposed to Covid, please see also the current CDC guidelines. 

These are the Red Cedar Guidelines and do not directly reflect current CDC guidelines. These are more strict, for the sake of caution and protecting our Sangha. Please follow whatever guidelines are applicable for you in your personal situation outside of Red Cedar.


  • Masking is optional at Red Cedar events in alignment with Washington State Health Department policy.


  • Vaccination against COVID-19 is highly recommended but not required for attendance at indoor Red Cedar Zen events. 

  • To protect your own health and those around you please consider remaining up-to-date with basic vaccinations and periodic boosters.  You are up to date with your COVID-19 vaccines if you have completed a COVID-19 vaccine primary series and received the most recent booster dose recommended for you by CDC. 

Policy Updates

Policy for overnight sesshin (at Samish) added as a linked page.

Guidelines around what to do if exposed, symptomatic, or infected regarding Zendo attendance clarified.

As of April 3rd masking is optional at Red Cedar events and Covid 19 vaccination is highly recommended but no longer required.

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