Weekly Practice Schedule 

Information about how to find us in person and on Zoom can be found the Our Zendo page. To practice in-person, please  follow our latest COVID safety protocols.

Morning 7am Practice (on Zoom)

  • Monday - Thursday 7am - 7:40am a simple morning sit: zazen, and brief dedication of merit. Verses used are available here. 
  • Fridays 7am - 7:40am sangha-led morning sit: zazen, optionally followed by chanting the Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo.
  • Saturdays 7am - 7:30am sangha-led morning sit: zazen only.
Tuesday Evening Reading Dogen Study Group (on Zoom)
  • Thursdays 7pm - 8pm  We read and discuss Zen Master Dogen's work. For more information and to register click here.

Thursday Evening (In Person) at Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship (go around the building to the basement)

  • Thursdays 7pm - 8:45pm  Zazen, kinhin, service, and a Dharma Talk (usually with Guiding Teacher Nomon Tim Burnett). You may wish to print the Downloadable printable Chant Book so you can participate fully in service.
  • Thursday evneing is also available on Zoom.

Private Interviews during Zazen: Note that a private interviews (dokusan) with Guiding Teacher Nomon Tim Burnett and Head of Practice Kanho Chris Burkhart are available during all zazen period when they are present. Learn more about private interviews with Nomon, Kanho and our other teachers.


  • See the Getting Started page if you are new to Zen practice.
  • Info on using Zoom and connecting to our Virtual Zendo: Our Zendo
  • Downloadable Printable Chant Book (click the link to download our chant book as a PDF document reformatted for home printers)
  • Doan directions are updated and available on the Chanting page
  • Memorial and well being lists: add any names for our morning health and well-being and memorial ceremonies which conclude each of our 5 morning services each week.
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