On Sunday April 5th the Red Cedar Zen sangha will walk in silence, bow in homage and chant with joy on this third circling of our island mountain celebrating Buddha's birthday (a day late).
From I-5, take Exit 230 for Highway 20 and head west for 10 miles, cross Swinomish Channel bridge, pass refineries on right; turn left at signal for Whidbey Island. [Staying straight on the Highway 20 Spur takes you into the city of Anacortes. ] Hwy. 20 heads up hill, then bears the right (west). At bottom of hill stay in right lane and turn right onto Campbell Lake Road. Drive about one and a half miles with Mt. Erie on your right. At Lake Erie Grocery, bear right onto Heart Lake Road, looking straight up Mt. Erie cliffs. Pass through a pair of large old-growth fir. Less than a mile from the grocery store, bear right onto road for Mt. Erie and park in lot at trail head.
Red Cedar Zen Community is a 501(c) non-profit organization.