Combining the traditional and the contemporary, Nomon Tim Burnett will lead an experiential exploration of compassion. What is compassion? Can it be developed and strengthened? Are there downsides to practicing compassion?

Far from just an academic inquiry, the day will involve a series of meditations and experiential exercises along with ample discussion to help us explore, from the inside out, what compassion is and how to cultivate it.
Our Zen Studies retreats combine meditation, lecture, discussion, private interviews with the teacher, and innovative experiential education to explore the contemporary meaning of ancient Buddhist texts.
At this innovative Buddhist studies course we'll look at traditional sources in the Tibetan and Japanese Zen tradition as well as modern psychological research on compassion and altruism. 
Tim is both a lineage holder in Soto Zen Buddhism and a certified teacher of Compassion Cultivation Training developed at Stanford University.
Meals: A simple oatmeal breakfast will be offered during the optional early morning sits. Please bring a small potluck item that goes with oatmeal if you attend. Lunch this year will be brown bag. Please bring your own lunch.
$20-40 sliding scale ($10 discounted price available to RCZC Members)
Plus additional donation to the teacher (dana) which may be made on site.
6:00am - 7:30am Early Sit (optional) Optionally join the regular Saturday morning sit at the Dharma Hall. The morning includes 3 periods of meditation, private interviews with the teacher, morning service. Simple breakfast of oatmeal plus potluck items. Please bring some fruit, bread or other simple additions to the breakfast.
8:00am Special Event: Jukai for Dave Lynch. All are welcome. Followed by a potluck breakfast - bring something to add to the pot of hot cereal.
10:00am - 5:00pm Day of Compassion program. Meditation, two Dharma talks with discussion and activities, bag lunch. Please bring your own bag lunch. Tea will be provided.
Overnight accommodations: The Dharma Hall is available for overnight accommodations on Friday and can fit up to eight people. Please indicate in the registration is you need a place to stay overnight. We are also able to match people with local sangha members with guest rooms to share - if you can provide a place for someone to stay in the Bellingham area please let us know in the registration as well.
About Zen Studies Retreats: Typically a weekend long (this year just the Saturday day), our study retreat format was developed with Zoketsu Norman Fischer over many years. This unique weekend format include sitting and walking meditation and the spirit of silence and retreat but also emphasizes teachings, discussion, and interaction more than our sesshin (Zen meditation retreats). Parts of the day are in silence, others include discussion and social time. We see this format as an opportunity to integrate teachings, sangha life, and practice expressing our understanding of the teachings as they pertain to our lives.