As part of the county-wide interfaith initiative "Let Love Be Our Legacy: We are all in this together", each of the participating faith communities will open their doors for part of election day, November 8, 2016. Knowing that whatever the outcome, we will all need to find reconciliation and common ground moving forward after this politically-divisive period, we intend to keep our communities open and welcoming on the day after the election, November 9, as well.
The election day sits will be silent, interfaith, and non-partisan. We want to simply provide a place of peace and refuge where all are welcome.
Red Cedar Zen Center has been asked to be open from 8am-11am on these two days. Given that the hall will already be open from 6:30am-7:15am, we would like to offer sitting at the hall from 6:30am until 11am.
Ideally, we will have two people present for each time slot of the sits. A time slot could be an hour, an hour and half, or the entire time. If you are able to participate in the sits on either day, and would like to help keep the hall open, please sign-up here:
If you have questions or suggestions, please contact Andrea at or 510-298-7833.