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  • Contemplating Nature Workshop

Contemplating Nature Workshop

  • Saturday, May 13, 2017
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Hawk Meadow Farm 1102 E. Kelly Rd, Bellingham
  • 0


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Members can also consider if they'd like to give higher on the sliding scale to further support the sangha. Note that dana for the hike leader is chosen separately.

Registration is closed

This day will be devoted to engaging the senses and slowing down together in the rich natural area around Hawk Meadow Farm.  The theme for this day will be "Awareness of Diversity".  Our day will be divided between silent meditation practice in the farm's 24' yurt, the Hidden Mountain Zendo, and time spent in explorations and discoveries in the surrounding fields and woods.  This is a very accessible experience that does not involve too much walking or any need to carry a pack.  At the same time this is a meditation retreat that does not involve too much seated meditation! We will explore the changes of spring, the life in the wetlands, and hopefully have a chance to check in on Hawk Meadows' gregarious pair of resident ravens who should be rearing nestlings at this time about a hundred yards from the yurt.  We will conclude the day with a closing ritual in the Cedar Grove.

Register at www.RedCedarZen.org

HAWK MEADOW FARM (1102 E. Kelly Road, Bellingham) MAP AND DIRECTIONS: Take Sunset Drive from I-5, drive by the Sunset Square Shopping Center going East, take a left on Hannegan, drive 3 miles, right on Kelly Road, drive exactly 1/2 mile, turn left immediately after a brown house (look for a reflective blue address marker for "1102"). Drive to the end of the long 1/4 mile driveway and turn right into the parking area for Hawk Meadow Farm.

Plan on 20 minutes travel time from downtown Bellingham.  And give yourself an additional 10-15 minutes to get from your car to the yurt to settle in for the beginning of meditation at 9am.

Registration required, please click the "Register" button on the left to being the process.

There will be an opportunity during registration to make a dana offering if you choose (details on Dana Paramita here) and you may also make a dana offering at any time on the Dana page. Unlike our "indoor" retreats dana is not generally collected during the event.

Contact Wilderness Programs Coordinator Bob Penny at bobp@nas.com or 360-927-5702 with questions and see our Wilderness Programs webpage for an overview of this program.

www.RedCedarZen.org     360-389-3444     registrar@redcedarzen.org
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