A monthly study Group led by Ryushin Andrea Thach, now starting Sunday, October 15th, please note new 3pm meeting time.

We will study with two minds: to understand the text in as part of the canonical doctrine of non-duality in the Mahayana (Andrea will offer some teaching) and to explore its meanings in our own day to day lives.

Study group will meet monthly on a Sunday, likely afternoon, with some flexibility starting on
October 15th. We will meet for as long as it takes to digest and feel satisfied with our study together (that might be as much as a year).
Members are asked to come every meeting they are in town unless something unavoidable has come up. We will schedule on a month by month basis to include the most people.
The group is open to Buddhists of all backgrounds and is offered on a donation (dana) basis.
Please consider at the end of each meeting making a donation to the teacher. Suggested $5-10 per class. Please register using the website so instructor knows whom to expect.
For questions, contact Andrea at andrea.thach@gmail.com