Come help plant vegetable gardens and do Spring cleanup at Hawk Meadow Farm, the home of Hidden Mountain Zendo. As the afternoon progresses you may have a relaxing sauna, participate in the outdoor Cedar Grove Ceremony, and contribute to a pot luck lunch.
Activities begin at 11:00am with a ceremony in the Cedar Grove. There will be the opportunity to grab a sauna in the farm's wood fired sauna shack at any point during the afternoon. Afternoon program ends at 5pm. This is an RSVP event.
This work party afternoon is immediately followed by the Hidden Mountain Zendo Spring Retreat, beginning at 5pm. Please register separately for the retreat which continues until Sunday at 1pm.
Schedule 11:00am Arrive, zazen in yurt, ceremony in Cedar Grove 12:00pm Potluck Lunch 1:00pm - 4:00pm Work Period (gardening, cleaning, etc.) 2:00pm - 5:00pm Sauna option during work period 5:00pm Afternoon Only program closes Consider continuing into the Weekend Meditation Retreat that evening.
Red Cedar Zen Community is a 501(c) non-profit organization.