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  • The Way of Flowers

The Way of Flowers

  • Saturday, April 21, 2018
  • 9:30 AM - 12:45 PM
  • Red Cedar Dharma Hall, 1021 N. Forest St., Bellingham WA 98225
  • 3


  • Materials and course fee for non-members
  • To cover flower arranging materials you will receive in the workshop.

Registration is closed

A new workshop on flower arranging with Barbara Johnson

The Way of Flowers: bringing nature into your home with art of Japanese inspired flower arranging.

Bring nature into your home with the art of Ikebana; “The Way of Flowers”.

As you touch the endless beauty in our lives; learn how simple guidelines and a little practice can assist you in creating inspiring floral arrangements.

We will explore how we “feel” about the lines of nature, how “less is more”, and how open space allows our eye to follow the natural lines of nature.

You will learn to relax, allow self-judgement to drop away, and trust yourself and your inner-connection to nature. There is “no wrong way” when we practice “The Way of Flowers”. Each arrangement is unique and perfect in every way. Just like you!

What to bring with you:

1. A plastic water container to bring your flowers home. (For example, a plastic water bottle with the top cut off works great. Or a large plastic drinking glass.) You will take your arrangements home with you, so you may want to consider putting a small box and

a towel in your car in the event of a water spill.

2. One small shallow bowl: like a pasta bowl or small bowl-like vase. Don’t have one? No problem, one will be provided for your use.


• Plant clippers will be provided (or you can bring your own if you want)

• You will complete 2 arrangements in class to take home, and if there is time in class we will do a 3rd arrangement.

• We will be sitting on chairs most of the time, but some may choose to standup during the workshop.

• Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. We will take a brief walk outside to explore nature. (Physically restricted? You can also just look out the window.)

• If you have an interesting rock, piece of twisted wood, or a tree branch; bring it with you. Keep the size within reason and something you can easily carry.

Questions: Call, email or text Barbara at: 360-603-2030 or baj@pobox.com

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