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  • Jukai Sesshin and Ceremony

Jukai Sesshin and Ceremony

  • Saturday, October 26, 2019
  • 6:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Red Cedar Dharma Hall, 1021 N. Forest Street, Bellingham WA 98225


  • Please let us know you're coming. $20 for members. Two oryoki meals provided (bring your own oryoki bowls).
  • Non-members and option for members to donate to the sangha.
  • Non-members, or option for members to donate to the sangha.

Registration is closed

The Zen ceremony of jukai (literally "receiving precepts") is a ceremony of commitment to the Zen precepts, the Zen path, and the sangha. Done by lay students it marks a deepening of commitment to Zen and a warming of relationship with the teacher.  

In this year's jukai five Red Cedar members will receive the precepts: Elizabeth MacDonald, Judith Koontz, Laughing Owl Tydnall, Rei Greene, and Wayne Weinschenk  will receive the precepts from Nomon Tim Burnett with the support of Seishu John Wiley and Ryushin Andrea Thach.

The ceremony is preceded by a half-day sesshin with oryoki breakfast and lunch (please bring your own oryoki set for meals)

Please register for your attendance at either the full retreat or just the jukai ceremony. Small charge for the sesshin to cover food costs (discounted for RCZC members) or non-charge RSVP to attend just the ceremony at 3pm.

Donations to teachers are invited.

6am - 3pm - Half-Day Sesshin with oryoki breakfast and lunch (bring your own oryoki bowls) - please RSVP

3pm - 5pm Jukai Ceremony and Reception - please RSVP

Please join us in the celebration of ethical practice and community.

www.RedCedarZen.org     360-389-3444     registrar@redcedarzen.org
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