Nomon Tim Burnett, Guiding Teacher for the Red Cedar Zen Community, will give a dharma talk about the Hymn to the Perfection of Wisdom.
The event will be online in our virtual zendo at https://zoom.us/j/5601791305 (email registrar@redcedarzen.org to request the password).
We always ask questions. What is real and what is delusion? Living an examined life can be a pain in the neck. And then, there is the point where Zen practice, life in community, and everyday life meet. Life encountered directly! Before we have time to slap the good or bad label on it, we see it all: beautiful sunrises, bad service, Covid-19, political news, global warming, our fast-paced digital life, love, new babies being born, time with friends, sickness and aging and death ... all happening at the same time.
The world of dew
is the world of dew.
And yet, and yet—
—Kobayashi Issa (1763 - 1828)
And yet, and yet—
We will explore this intersection of this life, this world on the first Sunday of each month* (except December). Local and guest Zen Buddhist teachers will explore how the texts we chant can be tools that support our practice in what some people call “real life.” And there is no unreal life - as long as you live it, it cannot be anything but real for you. And, as we said in the beginning: "Living an examined life in some ways is a pain in the neck." We may think everything should be different from how it is, and at other times we believe everything should stay forever exactly like this! And yet, and yet ... it changes. Always.
Please come to help us explore this theme through the practices of zazen (sitting meditation), kinhin (walking meditation), Dharma talks, and warm and inclusive conversation over a cup of tea.
Come join us online. If this is your first time meditating, please contact the registrar in advance to request orientation. Please REGISTER to join our email list and let use know you'll be there. There is no charge for this event but donations are welcome and if you appreciate Red Cedar Zen we'd be delighted if you became a member.
Download the poster for display if you have a spot for it - thank you!