Join us for any or all of this hour of chanting in support of compassion, peace, and the prevention of disaster on Election Day.
Practicing "for the nation" is a traditional part of the Buddhism and it seems a good day to exercise that aspect of the tradition.
Fine to come for part of the time.
DOWNLOADABLE Chant Sheets: the three chants we'll do can be downloaded and printed here: Chanting for the Nation.pdf
2pm invocation (Nomon Tim)
2:05pm Chant the Dai Hi Shin Dharani (Shudo Chris)
2:20pm Chant the Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo (Ryushin Kate)
2:40pm Chant the Shosaimyo Kitchijo Dharani (Nomon Tim)
3:00pm close.
All are welcome to drop in and come and go as your schedule requires. Usual Zoom room. This new link has the passcode built in: