Please help pack/transport our portable Dharma Hall to Samish Island for the sesshin. We'll do this in two stages:
Saturday, June 11th from 10am - noonish: A packing party the weekend before. We'll go through all of our stored dharma hall gear and sort out what needs to go to Samish. We'll also be able to determine what's missing/needed and have time to rectify
Sunday, June 19th from 11am - 1pm: A loading party - we'll fill up the vehicles and head to Samish. Note that because of the COVID protocols, only those registered for the retreat can travel in the vehicles, but anyone is welcome to help load and send us off.
Please register to let us know if you can help - and if you can drive (if so, let us know what kind of vehicle / how much room you have). We'll email you directions.
Thanks - and see you there!
Red Cedar Zen Community is a 501(c) non-profit organization.