A Ritual to Start our Hiking Season followed by a Short Hike

We welcome you to the beginning our Wilderness Dharma Program season as we formally receive water from the Salish Sea.
First, we will perform our Gathering Water ritual at Larrabee Beach.
This water will then be carried on hikes through the summer, and will be exchanged at the highest elevations we can attain with water from each of the three source branches of the Nooksack River, to then be returned to Larrabee Beach at seasons' end.
Second, those who choose to will do a short hike in the Chuckanut Mountains above us. Generally we go to Fragrance Lake or a similar hike of 3-4 miles and moderate elevation gain.
The hike will be led by lay entrusted teacher Heigaku Talus Latona, and will include a recitation of Dogen's Genjo Koan mapped over the landscape: a mini-version of our Mountains and Rivers ritual (hence, Hills and Streams).
Timing: Meet at the Larabee Park Bandshell at 10am, ceremony will end at about 11am. Expected return time from the hike is approximately 3pm.
What to Bring: Bring a trail lunch, layers for this early Spring hike, and at least two liters of water.
Directions: We will begin the program at the band shell picnic area in Larrabee state park. Go to the main entrance on Chuckanut Drive and follow the access road inside the park south towards the band shell parking lot.
Carpooling: Please mention in a comment on your registration if you need to a ride and we will try to assist.
Note: A Discover Pass is needed for parking in Washington State Parks and trailheads.
Registration: We incur about $10 of program administration cost for each registration. In your registration process you are offered the opportunity to donate additional funds to help Red Cedar continue to be able to offer these programs if you choose. Everyone is welcome, and no one will be refused attendance for lack of funds. Requests for lower cost registrations may be made here. We are grateful for your continued support.
Donations to the Leader: As with all of our events, teachers/leaders are not compensated for their time. You can include a donation to the hike leader during registration or at any time through our Donate to a Teacher page.
Questions? Contact Wilderness Dharma Program Coordinator Bob Penny at wilderness@redcedarzen.org and see our Wilderness Dharma Program page for an overview of this program.