Please join sangha sewing teacher Kanho Chris Burkhart and co-teacher Myoshin Mari Ritalahti in learning to sew Zen ritual clothing.
If you have permission to start sewing a rakusu this is an essential event to attend.
However, everyone is more than welcome to come learn the hand stitching style of our Zen sewing practice. When one person is preparing for jukai or an ordination we invite others to add stitches in support, which is a wonderful sangha practice.
Come learn and practice the "namu kie butsu stitch" if you're new to Zen sewing and want to be ready to help others or to sew your own robes one day.
Registration is required so we have an accurate count of attendees. Please bring a bag lunch and/or snacks as this will be a full day of sewing.
Kanho Chris will be in contact with registrants regarding materials to bring closer to the weekend of the retreat.
Red Cedar Zen Community is a 501(c) non-profit organization.