We are slowing opening our practices and events to in-person attendance. See the Home Page for current information.
When attending practices and events in our sangha space at the Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship (BUF), please adhere to the following safety protocols to help keep our members safe during the Covid pandemic.
Before arriving at BUF:
Please send a photo of your vaccination card showing a completed vaccine series and one booster to registrar@redcedarzen.org.
Please stay home if you have any Covid symptoms, even if a home test is negative.
Please stay home if you have tested positive for Covid and refer to CDC Guidelines https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/quarantine-isolation.html
Please stay home if you have a known CoVid exposure and refer to CDC Guidelines https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/quarantine-isolation.html.
Please stay home if you have not completed a vaccine series, including one booster.
On arrival at BUF:
Mask up before you enter the building.
Sign in with the registrar and show the vaccination record if you have not already sent her a photo of your vax record.
Proceed to the hand-washing station.
N 94 or N 95 (not cloth!) masks are required and there will be a small supply at the door.
When in the Zendo:
Maintain social distancing of 6 feet when sitting, walking, in restrooms, on stairways and anywhere we tend to cluster.
Wear masks continually during service.
Chanting while masked is acceptable.
After the event:
If you develop a positive Covid test within days after the event:
Please let the registrar know at registrar@redcedarzen.org.
Using the registrar’s check-in list, we will follow best practices to notify individuals who may have been exposed. You will remain anonymous.
If you have been exposed please refer to the CDC website: