"We have to do this because it's our lifeline of our people.
The water is our lifeline. The land is our lifeline. The air is our lifeline”
~Chief Bill Tsi’li'xw James

On September 14, 2022 from 3-6 pm at the Port of Bellingham property (Granary Building) on Granary Ave in Bellingham, Lummi House of Tears Carvers has requested a Blessing Ceremony for a Totem Pole that will be traveling to the 2022 Global Clean Energy Justice Convergence being held in Pittsburgh, PA later in the month.
Here's the current schedule for the event:
3-4 pm Visiting with the Carvers and the Totem Pole
4-5 pm Music with Dana Lyons and Swil Kanim and others
5:00 pm Guest Speakers
5:40 pm Blessings
BUF/Interfaith Choir
Sikh Temple Priests
Nomon Tim
Rev. Paul
Rev. Seth (maybe)
More information on the Totem Pole Journey
The House of Tears Carvers will embark on the Totem Pole Journey to the Clean Energy Justice Convergence which will be held in Pittsburgh, PA, September 21-23. The Convergence is a response to the September 2022 Global Clean Energy Ministerial hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy in Pittsburgh, PA also held during that time. The Clean Energy Ministerial brings together the world’s largest and leading countries, international organizations and companies to work on accelerating clean energy transitions. Download Flyer for the Journey