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  • Samish Sesshin: There is still an opportunity for you to join us in June!

Samish Sesshin: There is still an opportunity for you to join us in June!

Sunday, May 19, 2024 3:23 PM | Program Administrator (Administrator)

This past week we had a few cancellations for the sesshin, which has opened a handful of spaces for you to join us.  As of this writing we have:

  • One full sesshin e-cabin (i.e., with shared bathroom)
  • Two full sesshin rustic cabins
  • A few full sesshin tent spaces
  • One first half sesshin rustic cabin scholarship
  • Several second half sesshin rustic cabins and tent spaces 
  • Unlimited Zoom spots.  

Please remember that to attend for second half you must have attended a Samish sesshin previously, and you must register for the Zoom option to attend as much of the full zendo schedule as you have time for.

All are welcome join the Dharma Talks on a drop-in basis online or in person.

Please see the following link for more details regarding the sesshin, and email admin@redcedarzen.org if you have any questions.

Samish Sesshin with Zoketsu Norman Fischer and Nomon Tim Burnett

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