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Rohatsu Sesshin moves to early January

Wednesday, October 09, 2024 11:12 AM | Program Administrator (Administrator)

Rohatsu Sesshin is a celebration of Buddha's Enlightenment. The traditional retreat is 8 nights long ending on the morning of December 8th when, in the Japanese tradition, Buddha is said to have awakened

We've generally held our a 2 or 3-day long Rohatsu ending on the 1st or 2nd weekend of December. However, now that Fall Samish Sesshin has proven so successful it has become clear that having another multi-day sesshin a month after Rohatsu to fit into the traditional dates is not viable.

Teachers in Western centers vary a lot around how freely they shift tradition for practical reasons, and there is value in holding to tradition even when it's awkward. In this case, where tradition and practicality have some friction, Nomon Tim and Practice Leaders have decided to honor practicality and will shift Rohatsu to early January. 

It will be a time for the sangha to "Awaken in the New Year!". This year's retreat is expected to be on January 3rd and 4th.  

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