Dear Supporter of the Red Cedar Zen Community:
As this year ends, our sangha looks forward to occupying our new sanctuary, Sansui-ji (Mountains and Rivers Temple) when daffodils bloom. I'm writing today on behalf of our Board of Directors to ask you to consider a modest increase in your already unstinting generosity (dana) to assist us in meeting this new obligation.
We are fond of the Book of Serenity story (#4) of Indra establishing a new temple by planting a blade of grass. “The sanctuary is established,” he says, and the Buddha smiles. In response, a commentator reminds us, “Repairs won’t be easy.” As in our personal practice, maintenance and repairs require constant attention and support. That’s where we trust you can lend a hand.
In 2022, following a successful capital campaign (Thank You!!), we purchased our new home at 2509 Cedarwood (see floor plan and external view, below). We have begun a remodel that will offer the community a welcoming zendo and a “Cloud Hall” space for gatherings, meals, classes, a library, and other activities. That’s the really good news. But, as always, there is another side. Owning and operating a building means increased operating expenses as well as higher administrative costs and supporting our teacher. We have traditionally met these needs through your membership and donations.
We have all benefited from another year of regular 7 am Zoom sits, Thursday evening services, Dharma talks at Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship, one-day and well-attended summer and late fall sesshins at Camp Samish and celebrating newly committed practitioners wearing hand-sewn rakusus. And we are truly blessed with the leadership of our Guiding Teacher Nomon Tim Burnett and from Practice Leader Kanhō Chris Burkhardt’s unwavering devotion to fostering continuing studies in Dōgen and other primary texts.
In this samsara world, there are so many ways we can work together and support each other, offering what we can, when we can, to polish the Three Treasures of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. As Master Hui-hai (“Great Pearl”) reminds us, “The gateway to our practice is dana and from that practice all the others are fulfilled.”
On behalf of the Board of Directors, thank you for your continuing partnership in our sangha household. As the days shorten and soon begin to lengthen, please consider the various ways you can support our Red Cedar Zen Community by your year-end dana:
To start a monthly or annual membership:
To increase your regular membership pledge:
To make a one-time donation:
Other donation options include: Offering a portion of your IRA Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) or transferring appreciated stock to Red Cedar’s Schwab account.
Finally, if you have any membership questions, just reach out to
With gratitude and appreciation for your devotion to The Three Treasures and to the Red Cedar Zen Community:
Joden Bob Rose, Board President