Recently, Raizelah and I had the wonderful opportunity to visit Buddha Eye Zen Community Temple in Eugene, Oregon. I'd been hoping to visit for a while and now with Sansui-ji's opening around the corner, it felt especially helpful.
Founder and abbot Ejo McMullen is an American teacher who trained extensively in Japan, so I was very curious to see how he implemented what he learned there on American soil.
And, at the same time, I've been studying the official in-depth manual on Sōtō Zen ritual and thinking about areas where we might deepen our own ritual practice.
What I saw at Buddha Eye impressed me: a sangha of about our size offering a mix of very accessible public-facing programs and serious Zen training all under the same roof. And sure enough, the morning service was exactly true to the official Sōtō Zen specifications I'd just been reading about! (See p. 7-9 of the manual if you want to geek out on Zen ritual.)
Lots of food for thought as we look towards opening Sansui-ji next year.
I do highly recommend visiting other temples and centers as part of your exploration of Zen. They can be found in most of our western cities in Washington, British Columbia, Oregon and beyond. If you'd like recommendations, or for me to help get you connected to leaders at the places I know, don't hesitate to ask.
I feel like I learn so much about our own lineage traditions as well as theirs in every visit I make to a new place of practice. Plus, it's really a lot of fun to do!

Abbot Ejo McMullen officiating at Buddha Eye temple at Sunday service.

Front gate at Buddha Eye Temple, Eugene, Oregon.

An inviting corner of their property with seating which Ejo shared has really helped the neighbors feel invited and included.