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Soto Zen Buddhist Association Advocates Compassion, Board News, and Cedarwood Building Update

Thursday, February 27, 2025 6:20 PM | Program Administrator (Administrator)

Dear friends, I just wanted to include the following article below for Red Cedar Sangha members to view--thank you, Hannah Sullivan

"Many of us are members of the Soto Zen Buddhist Association and received the following message this week from the SZBA board:

“In light of the events at the inauguration and afterward, many folks in our communities are feeling targeted and fearful. To offer support and solidarity, we believe that now is the time for spiritual leadership, as has been beautifully exemplified by many priests and leaders across traditions. In that spirit, the Board of the SZBA has prepared Statement in Support of Compassion.

Our Guiding Teacher, Nomon Tim, is a member of the Sōtō Zen Buddhist Association and has signed this statement of hope. SZBA is a an association of Sōtō priests in North America.

Board News

With everything currently happening in our Red Cedar Zen Community, we are developing new ways to structure our Board functions, our committees, and our interactions with each other (with some good ideas generated from our recent Board Retreat!) Stay tuned!

Curious about the Board's work?

You can read last month's Board of Directors Meeting Minutes here

Members of Red Cedar can request access to Ananda, our online file sharing system, if you're interested in additional notes of the Board's doings.

Cedarwood Building Update

of our work party jobs aren't this dirty!

Great progress continues at Sansui-ji Temple. The framing is 99% done and you can walk through the unfinished building to experience the layout. Plumbing is roughed in. Electrical has started. Most of the new exterior walls are sided. It's coming right along!

Note that work parties where we'll need MANY volunteers are just around the corner. Soon we'll be installing our kitchen, installing our floor, and painting all of the walls and trim inside the temple. 

Work parties are open and flexible and friendly. Come for a bit to help a little and experience the buiding or come all day to dig into the work deeply. 

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