Updated with new schedule and meal info.
Our 3-day sesshin with Guiding Teacher Nomon Tim, Visiting Teacher Kathie Fisher and Shuso Seiu Hannah Sullivan to close Winter Practice Period.
The practice of sesshin is a powerful opportunity including alternating sitting and walking meditation, a Dharma Talk, dokusan with the teachers, silent meals, breaks, and afternoon tea.
The retreat ends with the Shuso's Dharma Inquiry Ceremony on Saturday at 2pm. All in the practice period are warmly invited to this ceremony.
Schedule: Thursday 9:30am - 9pm, Friday 9:30am - 9pm, Saturday 9:30am - 4pm. For a detailed schedule click HERE.
Attendance: If you can’t attend full time you may sign up for one or two full days in person. Zoom participants may be more flexibile in their attendance as needed.
Covid Safety: Please read this page for the current guidlines. Note the request for N94/N95 masks which are safer than cloth masks.
Other Options: you may come to the retreat’s Dharma Talks on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday at 10:30am even if you aren’t attending the full retreat but please join on Zoom.
All Practice Period participants are warmly invited to attend the Shuso’s Dharma Inquiry Ceremony on Saturday at 2pm. If you are not present at BUF in person please join by Zoom.
Food: Our hosts at Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship are not ready for food to be eaten inside the building. Plan on eating lunch and dinner off site (at home? restaurant? sack lunch in your car?). The meal breaks are two hours long to make this possible.
Housing: We will try to assist with housing for out of town retreatants, you may request housing in the registration process. Have a space guest room? Please let us know.
To register for this sesshin or any other practice period event please use the: