Please join Shuso Myoki Raizelah Bayen as she guides us on a study of Genjo Koan a powerful, foundational and very interesting teaching by Eihei Dogen-zenji, the Japanese founder of our school of Zen:
It is with joy that I invite you to participate in the 2024 Practice Period class on Dogen Zenji’s text of the Genjo Koan. In this class, we will drink from the well of wisdom that our ancestors have left for us in their commentaries on the Genjo Koan, and indulge in the teachings of contemporary teachers on the subject. We will spend time studying, but more importantly, sensing or feeling into the meaning of this text within the context of our own lives and journeys. This class combines traditional Zen learning of Dharma talks and study, with inquiry practices such as repeating questions, monologues, and writing exercises, as well as sensing practices to support your discovery of the Genjo Koan in your heart and in your practice. This class is an exploration of your Genjo Koan. - Myoki Raizelah
It is with joy that I invite you to participate in the 2024 Practice Period class on Dogen Zenji’s text of the Genjo Koan.
In this class, we will drink from the well of wisdom that our ancestors have left for us in their commentaries on the Genjo Koan, and indulge in the teachings of contemporary teachers on the subject. We will spend time studying, but more importantly, sensing or feeling into the meaning of this text within the context of our own lives and journeys.
This class combines traditional Zen learning of Dharma talks and study, with inquiry practices such as repeating questions, monologues, and writing exercises, as well as sensing practices to support your discovery of the Genjo Koan in your heart and in your practice. This class is an exploration of your Genjo Koan.
- Myoki Raizelah
Suggested Texts:
Realizing Genjokoan by Shohaku Okamura
Location: This class is being offered via our online Zoom Zendo. We encourage you to make a commitment to attend all or at least most classes so we can develop community around our dharma study.
Resources You'll find resources related to the class online.
Registration: Registration is required. The fees help us cover the costs of administering this class - thank you for your support.
About Raizelah:
My Buddhist journey began at Green Gulch Zen Farm 36 years ago, working on the farm, sitting zazen, and participating in Wendy Johnson’s garden practice period. I have often referred to the temple at Green Gulch as the cradle for my spiritual baby. It nourished my growth, but I needed something else at that time in my life. After 6 months on the farm, I took a hiatus from formal Zen practice, but maintained sitting practice.
Read more about Raizelah... I spent the next fourteen years participating in a spiritual work school called “Ridhwan,” practicing the Diamond Approach to realization, which included daily sitting, inquiry practices and sensing practices. This approach wove together the psychological work sometimes done in therapy with spiritual practice. I returned to formal Zen practice about 18 years ago. In my attempt to find some quietude (I had a toddler and a preschooler at that time). I signed up for a 1-day sitting at Spirit Rock Buddhist Center, during which I reconnected with Norman Fischer, who had served as Director at Green Gulch during my stay there in my twenties. We instantly recognized one another. I was lit up by his teaching that day on the Koan called “The One is not Busy.” I picked-up his flier about Everyday Zen, signed-up for Everyday Zen’s next 1-day sitting, and knew upon my entrance to the zendo that I had “come home.” I felt an immediate sense of connection to this sangha. I participated in their monthly 1-day sittings and their annual sesshins for the next 15 years. It was at Green Gulch in my twenties that I met Tim. It was there that the seeds of our love were planted, and then were tended for many years by Buddha, while we explored other relationships, marriage and child-rearing, simultaneously but not together. We reconnected 3 years ago, which was the impetus for my move to Bellingham and my growing involvement with Red Cedar Zen Community. It is at Red Cedar that I am discovering what it is to take refuge in the sangha. I am grateful for the container this sangha provides to daily practice, exploring my humanness within the context of Dharma friendships, and to grow within the context of sangha roles, first as Ino and now as Shuso. Thank you for being here with me.
I spent the next fourteen years participating in a spiritual work school called “Ridhwan,” practicing the Diamond Approach to realization, which included daily sitting, inquiry practices and sensing practices. This approach wove together the psychological work sometimes done in therapy with spiritual practice.
I returned to formal Zen practice about 18 years ago. In my attempt to find some quietude (I had a toddler and a preschooler at that time). I signed up for a 1-day sitting at Spirit Rock Buddhist Center, during which I reconnected with Norman Fischer, who had served as Director at Green Gulch during my stay there in my twenties. We instantly recognized one another. I was lit up by his teaching that day on the Koan called “The One is not Busy.”
I picked-up his flier about Everyday Zen, signed-up for Everyday Zen’s next 1-day sitting, and knew upon my entrance to the zendo that I had “come home.” I felt an immediate sense of connection to this sangha. I participated in their monthly 1-day sittings and their annual sesshins for the next 15 years.
It was at Green Gulch in my twenties that I met Tim. It was there that the seeds of our love were planted, and then were tended for many years by Buddha, while we explored other relationships, marriage and child-rearing, simultaneously but not together. We reconnected 3 years ago, which was the impetus for my move to Bellingham and my growing involvement with Red Cedar Zen Community.
It is at Red Cedar that I am discovering what it is to take refuge in the sangha. I am grateful for the container this sangha provides to daily practice, exploring my humanness within the context of Dharma friendships, and to grow within the context of sangha roles, first as Ino and now as Shuso. Thank you for being here with me.
Opening Ceremony Thursday January 18th Regular Zazen Meetings - Weekday morning, Thursday evenings,1st Sunday mornings Opening Sesshin - Thursday January 18th - Saturday January 20th. Shuso's Class Monday evenings January 29 - March 11th. Shuso's Way Seeking Mind Talk - Thursday February 8, 7pm - 9pm Introduction to Zen Buddhism Wednesday evenings Feburary 7-28 Practice Period Resources - for our practice & the class. Tea with the Shuso - by arrangement. Closing Sesshin - Thursday March 14th - Saturday March 16th. Shuso's Dharma Inquiry Ceremony - Saturday March 16th, 2pm.
Red Cedar Zen Community is a 501(c) non-profit organization.