October Newsletter

Sunday, October 08, 2023 7:47 AM | Nomon Tim Burnett (Administrator)

Red Cedar Zen--October 2023 News!


From Nomon Tim

Dear Sangha,

Buddhism and Zen are full of fantastic teachings, images, and ideas.. I'm looking forward to diving into the Lotus Sutra again later in the month and enjoying that enthusiastic depiction of the transformational power of our practice in a human life.

And yet the essence of Zen isn’t that.

It isn’t fancy, it's down to earth. It helps us stay deeply rooted in our lives. The core practice here, you know it, is zazen. To just sit. 

But it's hard for us to sit with purpose and depth regularly in the way we deeply need. The mind is so conditioned to want to keep us busy. And there is much to do. It's hard to settle down. 

That's were sangha comes in. This is one of the great supports we offer each other. Your practice supports my practice and mine supports you. And without sangha it's so much harder to sit regularly. 

I include myself here. I'm a recovering workaholic and I'm a lot more attracted to doing one more thing than stopping, setting it all aside, and sitting down on the cushion. When I was first moving to Bellingham in 1990 actually, I went to see my teacher, Norman Fischer, and told him that I didn't think there were any Zen sanghas in Bellingham so I was probably done with Zen practice. I felt certain that without that support I just wouldn't keep it up without sangha.

(That ended up going another way as you know, but that's a story for another day!)

A great supports for daily practice that arose during the pandemic is our weekday morning sits over Zoom. I hope we'll be able to keep this going for many years. 

Most weekday mornings at 7am I have the delight of sitting down on my cushion, opening the laptop, and there "ba-ding!" are a dozen and more wonderful sangha members at their sitting spots ready to start the day together. It's amazing.

I still need to make a little inner effort to take this half hour opportunity for deep setting seriously. The screen is a portal to sangha here but also a portal to a million distractions and work associations for me. But usually I pull this off pretty well. Sitting up straight, letting the body soften into the earth, allowing my breath drop into my belly, lowering my gaze. (Pro tip: you can also turn sideways to the laptop or sit further away from it). 

As I write this I can feel my body respond to the years of zazen. That this deep settledness becomes available most of the time. Maybe eventually all of the time! What a gift from our ancestors. I know I never would have thought of all of this.

After 30 minutes of zazen we enjoy a brief service dedicating the merit of our practice and chant a verse setting intentions for the day. Sometimes a brief reading or someone has an announcement to share. We're off by 7:40 at the latest. 

If it at all fits your schedule I encourage you to visit the weekday morning sit. What a wonderful gift we received from those traumatic years of the pandemic. 



Change to the Board Structure frees up Nomon Tim:  We’ve recently made a change to our Board structure.  At Nomon Tim’s request, we have unanimously decided to eliminate the “Ex-Officio” board position that Nomon Tim has been occupying.  In lieu of this structure, we’ve decided instead to form a regular communication link between Board administration and sangha practice; our “east/west” communication (A reference to a koan in which the administrative monks live in the east hall and the meditation monks in the west hall).

 This allows Nomon Tim to ease out of routine board decisions and monthly meetings, freeing him up to devote more time to our sangha dharma practice itself, and ongoing programs within the zendo.  

Our East/West communication group currently consists of Nomon Tim and Board President Bob Rose. Desiree Webster and Board Secretary Terrill Thompson will also be present to help ensure accuracy and transparency.  We will have a short meeting prior to the Board meeting monthly with a “rolling agenda” throughout the month to contribute items to ensure continued two-way communication. 

Gassho to Nomon Tim for your many years of service to the Board.



Mondays at 4pm starting October 16th; description and registration are here!



Our series of hikes and walks each year runs across the seasons from April to October including rituals of carrying and exchanging the waters of our watershed.

The last event in the series Closing the Mountains / Returning Waters is on Saturday October 14th with a hike up to the Oyster Dome on Blanchard (by Chuckanut) mountain and a ceremony at Larabee State Park.



Our September one-day sit was lovely!

We had a full group and a quiet, enjoyable time together.  These "mini-sesshin" days give us a chance to enjoy the routine of a sesshin with a fairly gentle schedule, Dharma talk, Dokusan (interview with our teacher/s) and the sharing of delicious meals.  Thanks to all who participated.

The next One Day sit will be on December 2nd including the Rohatsu ceremony which celebrates Buddha's Enlightenment. Sign up here.



During our Fall Sesshin at Samish (a few spots left if you can attend!) there will be two big ceremonies the sangha is warmly invited to attend in support of our sangha members who are taking big steps in their practice life.


Members Toi Geil, Peter Pretkel, and Michael Kelberer will receive the precepts from Nomon Tim Burnett and Hanho Chris Burkhart at a jukai ceremony on Saturday November 4th at 3:30pm. RSVP and info.


And Seiu Hannah Sullivan will receive Lay Entrustment from her teacher Sokaku Kathie Fischer on Sunday November 5th at 2:00pm. This ceremony empowers and acknowledges Hannah as a lay teacher of Zen. RSVP and info.

Both ceremonies are the large zendo building at Samish Island Campground and everyone is welcome. Leave some time to park and walk across the lawn.


October Feature:                                Branching Streams Conference

Branching Streams Conference Santa Cruz, CA Oct 18-21,2023

Branching Streams is an organization based out of San Francisco Zen Center to support groups who have formed following the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi.

We at Red Cedar joined this group in 2021 and I was able to attend their conference last week. Over 60 sanghas are members of this worldwide group, and 31 sanghas were represented. It was a group of about 60 sangha leaders (teachers, both transmitted and lay, priests, board members and a few folks fairly new to the practice). A strong group of “under 50’s” was present, vocal, and vital.

Our topics (in four multi-roomed breakout sessions a day) were self-generated and consistently lively. Topics included Taking Bodhisattva Practice into the Community, Succession & Developing Leaders, Women In Zen, Understanding Lay Practice, Paying Teachers, Conflict, Future of Branching Streams; what can we do in the next 5 years? (and those are just the ones I attended!)

I came away feeling excited about the support, existent and offered, for isolated sanghas, groups currently functioning without guiding teachers, possibilities for trainings at Zen Center &/or Green Gulch, and the knowledge that we are part of a large community. Anyone interested in learning more, kindly contact me.

--Hannah Sullivan

and/or, check out the Branching Streams "Newsette" !==##%$@_7_@$%##==!branchingstreams@sfzc.org


And...did you know...


...we have a wonderful section on Ethics and a process for difficult communications in our Ethics and Communication Guidelines on our website...find it here




...and--especially for those going on our Japan trip-- that we have a Japanese pronounciation guide here on our chanting page.

For our chanting it's helpful to focus especially the pronunciation of the vowels "o" and "i".

For example: on is like "own" and shin is like "sheen". 



Cedarwood Zendo Update: No new news, but things will be happening very soon as we meet with our architect and get things rolling this month--stay tuned!


*We welcome your submissions--news, announcements, photos, poetry and art!  Please send these to newsletter@redcedarzen.org by the 15th of the month prior--thanks!

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