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  • Continuing our Maturity (Shuso's Class)

Continuing our Maturity (Shuso's Class)

  • Wednesday, January 23, 2019
  • 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday, February 20, 2019
  • 6:50 PM
  • Red Cedar Dharma Hall, 1021 N. Forest St., Bellingham WA


  • A choice for members to register for no fee if you choose.
  • For those who are not yet members of Red Cedar Zen Community.

Registration is closed
The Shuso's Practice Period Class

It seems, recently, that our nation has turned itself upside down. The time for understanding a true and healthy maturity couldn't be more urgent. And growing into a deeper and healthier maturity can help us to be the force for positive change we so often look for elsewhere.

Please join Shuso Shin-yu Scott Allen in examining the process of Continuing our Maturity.

Required Text: Taking Our Places: the Buddhist Path to Truly Growing Up by Norman Fischer. Purchase or bring your own or on the sign up for this class indicate that you would like to request a copy from the group order ($15 recommended donation to the sangha, cash only).

Schedule:  Five Wednesday evening sessions starting promptly at 6pm January 23- February 20th.

Registration Required (not drop-in) - no charge for Red Cedar members.

Remote Participation. We will do our best for remote Practice Period participants to post audio and handouts from the class promptly, but It's best to be in touch with a local member (options to request this in the overall practice period sign up).

For more information about Practice Period: Winter Practice Period 2019 - overview & registration or 2019 Winter Practice Period - Key Dates.

 And note that separate registrations are required for whichever of the following practice period events you'll also be attending

www.RedCedarZen.org     360-389-3444     registrar@redcedarzen.org
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