Exploring the Lankavatara Sutra; Wednesdays, starting March 5th, 6 sessions. Join Kanho Chris in investigating short passages and exploring themes including Yogacara. The Lankavatara is a mosaic collection of small parts within the framework of the sutra.
Zen Sewing Retreat; Saturday, March 8th and Sunday, March 9th. For Jukai students and all of those who would like to join in learning Zen sewing.
Ceremony and Hike: Receiving the Waters, Hills and Streams; Saturday, March 22nd, 10 am-3 pm. Join us for our annual ritual to start the Wilderness Dharma Program season at Larrabee Beach gathering our water--followed by our Hills and Streams hike--a 4.5 mile hike in the Chuckanut Mountains.
March Construction Work Party Sunday, March 23rd, 9am.
Hike: Mt. Erie Circumambulation Saturday, April 12th, 10am-3pm. Hike around Mount Erie just above Anacortes led by Joden Bob Rose who was involved in helping save these forest lands.
April Construction Work Party Sunday, April 19th, 9am.
May Construction Work Party Sunday, May 4th, 9am.
Hidden Mountain Spring Retreat Friday afternoon, May 9th into Saturday, May 10th. Absorb the abundance of Hawk Meadow as we settle deeply into the practice at Hidden Mountain Zendo just outside of Bellingham with Nomon Tim Burnett & Reizan Bob Penny.
Lay Entrustment for Reizan Bob Penny On Saturday, May 10th at 3pm, Nomon Tim will entrust the Dharma with Reizan Bob Penny to honor and support his deep teaching role as coordinator of the Wilderness Dharma Program. Sangha is invited to come in support and celebration.
Samish Island Sesshin 2025; Begins Friday June 13th, ends Saturday, June 21. Join us for our annual highlight--7 day retreat with founding teacher Zoketsu Norman Fischer, Nomon Tim Burnett and Kanho Chris Burkhart. Zoom option also available as well as ability to attend the public daily talks.