Dear Sangha,
Effective immediately, we are requiring that anyone regardless of vaccination status - wear a mask (surgical, N95 or KN95) at our indoor events.
We will have masks available at the door for our Thursday Evening Practice tomorrow. And the Practice will be available, as always, via our Virtual Zendo - click HERE for connection information.
This policy change reflects Whatcom County's updated masking guidance in response to the ongoing triple respiratory virus threat.
Thank you for helping to keep our sangha members safe!
The Red Cedar Zen Community Health Committee
During the Open Walls Open House on December 10th, Guiding Teacher Nomon Tim Burnett led the attendees in a brief service - the first in our new building. You can find more pictures and videos here: New Zendo First service or scroll down:
During the Open Walls Open House on December 10th, 2022 Guiding Teacher Nomon Tim Burnett led the attendees in a brief service - the first in our new building.
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At the November 29th board meeting, Ginger Harris was welcomed as both a new board member and as board treasurer. For the past 4 months, Ginger has volunteered, assisting treasurer John Wiley, learning our bookkeeping system and helping to develop a transparent system for tracking our capital campaign incomes and expenditures. As a further example of dana to support our sangha, John will continue serving on the board as an “at large” member.
Ginger brings a complex background of corporate industrial management experience, local non-profit organization oversight, and long and varied experience with various Zen sanghas. We are truly grateful and excited to benefit from her dedication and experience as we enter this next phase of our sangha’s growth.
– Bob Rose, Board President
Learn more about Ginger and all of our board members on the Board of Directors page of our website.
Members helping members: we’re looking to revive a pool of folks who can offer things like
Members needing a hand: If you are in need of assistance, sangha may be able to help.
Your privacy is respected. Contact’
Here's a wonderful short talk by Chân Huong Dien Tracey Pickup who is a member of Thich Nhat Hanh's Order of Interbeing. Desiree invited her to Zen Alive! on November 27th.
Exciting news: the Re-Store has cleared out the office divider walls in our new home. Please attend (and RSVP) our Open House and Work Party to take a look, mingle, and even do a little work in the backyard on Saturday December 10th, 2022 from 10am-noon.
And check out the video tour of our new building!
During Rohatsu, you can still join your sangha for practice at the usual weekly times:
Thursday evening 7-9 pm: zazen, orientation, kin-hin, zazen, refuges and close. Join us in person or via Zoom. Friday morning 7-7:30: Robe chant, doshi opening and zazen. This is different than the usual informal Friday morning sit. Join us via Zoom. Saturday morning 7-8:30: normal Saturday morning format. Join us via Zoom. Sunday Zen Alive! 10-noon: Back to our normal schedule.
Thursday evening 7-9 pm: zazen, orientation, kin-hin, zazen, refuges and close. Join us in person or via Zoom.
Friday morning 7-7:30: Robe chant, doshi opening and zazen. This is different than the usual informal Friday morning sit. Join us via Zoom.
Saturday morning 7-8:30: normal Saturday morning format. Join us via Zoom.
Sunday Zen Alive! 10-noon: Back to our normal schedule.
ThanksgivingThursday: Zendo closed (no morning or evening sit)Friday - Sunday: Usual schedule (Friday am informal sit, Saturday am practice, Sunday Zen Alive!)
Year-end Year-end pause: The zendo will be closed and our weekly schedule suspended beginning December 24th and through December 31st. New Year's Day: A special Zen Alive! to start our new year together as a sangha!
As we approach our national holiday of gratitude there is much to be grateful for in our sangha, in our world. Thank you so much for your ongoing support of Red Cedar Zen as an organization and, more importantly, as a group of people pulling together towards peace, clarity, and understanding.
And I'm grateful that we're gradually making headway on our new building at 2509 Cedarwood (stopped by to take a peek yet?). Hopefully we'll have most of the interior office walls out in the next weeks and we'll be able to have another open house to see emerging possibilities there. Tentatively hold the date of December 10th at 10am for a Building Open House - to be confirmed. Much to be grateful for, so much.
Much to be grateful for, and much to mourn as we take in the news of yet another hate inspired mass shooting. And so many other tragedies and disasters. And that our wonderful holiday of Thanksgiving also rests a false narrative from our dominant culture's oppression of the native cultures that were already here.
I'm grateful there that the Samish Nation put together this wonderful website of Coast Salish place names and stories with how the words are actually said. Check out how "Whatcom" is truly said! I felt such joy and such sadness and embarrassment that I had no idea that Coast Salish languages include these fabulous sounds - sounds I don't even know how to make. I notice my awareness of these issues comes in waves. Listening carefully to how X’wótqwem is actually said feels like another step in that journey of understanding.
Wishing you joy and peace in the holidays. And I hope many of us will be able to gather for our Zen celebration of gratitude for the example of the Buddha at the Rohatsu Sesshin next week.
Yours,Nomon Tim
Nomon Tim has recently been exploring Zen Forms and Ritual with the sangha on Thursday evenings. Check out the first five talks here.
Red Cedar Zen Community is a 501(c) non-profit organization.