I'm looking forward to this year's Winter Practice Period with Shuso Ikushun Desiree Webster leading us in an exploration of the Heart of Buddha's teachings. Check out the great overview page Michael Kelberrer put together to learn the schedule and options.
-Nomon Tim
Our connection with the Japanese Zen origins of our lineage were renewed recently. The temple that Shuryu Suzuki roshi left in 1959 is a medium-sized community oriented temple in the coastal town of Yaizu called Rinso-in. The temple was originally founded in year 1472!
We recently contributed the following message for their celebratory ceremonies to commemorate their 550th anniveray:
With gratitude for the continuous and generous practice of the Suzuki family. We wouldn't be here without you. Your friends at Red Cedar Zen Community in Bellingham, Washington.
(we were limited to a 28 word "telegram"!)
And then were honored to receive this message from Shungo Suzuki, Shuryu's grandson and himself a priest at Rinso-in:
Dear Red Cedar Zen Community Members,
We unexpectedly received a congratulatory telegram, from the Red Cedar Zen Community for the 550th anniversary ceremony of Rinso-in. The heartwarming congratulatory telegram was read out at the beginning of the ceremony and offered in front of the Buddha and Shunryu roshi. We, the members of Rinso-in, were very touched by your thoughtfulness. We hope that Rinso-in Temple will be your spiritual home in Japan. I'm really thankful to you. Nine bows, Shungo
We unexpectedly received a congratulatory telegram, from the Red Cedar Zen Community for the 550th anniversary ceremony of Rinso-in.
The heartwarming congratulatory telegram was read out at the beginning of the ceremony and offered in front of the Buddha and Shunryu roshi.
We, the members of Rinso-in, were very touched by your thoughtfulness.
We hope that Rinso-in Temple will be your spiritual home in Japan.
I'm really thankful to you.
Nine bows,
And please note that Red Cedar Zen is in the early stages of planning a sangha visit to Japan in the first half of May, 2024, which we very much hope will include a visit to this our spiritual home in Japan.
Nomon Tim and Shudo Chris co-officiated at our first jukai ("receiving the precepts") ceremony in two years at Red Cedar on Saturday November 5th.
Mari Ritalahti's new name is Myōshin Myō-on 妙信玅音 (Exquisite Faith, Subtle Sound) and Terri Clark from Seattle Soto Zen received the name Yuji Koryū 勇治光柳 (Courageous Healer, Bright Willow).
Big congratulations to these two wonderful bodhisattvas!
From RCZC friend Mary Waschke. Note the vigil is online too.
Red Cedar Friends--
The election next week is fraught. I am concerned to the point that I fear that even if the candidates I favor win, a rough time awaits us.
Although I still practice Zen daily, I have become attached to the folks at Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral in Seattle.
Saint Marks is holding an interfaith vigil from 7-8 Monday night. The event is sponsored by Dai Bai Zan Cho Bo Zen Ji in Seattle, an Imam, Temple Sinai De Hirsch, Saint James Roman Catholic Cathedral, along with a number of other religious organizations
A write-up on the event listing its sponsors is here. If any Red Cedar folks are interested, they are welcome to attend, either in person at the cathedral on Capitol Hill or on live stream. I still live in Bellingham and will be attending via live stream, https://vimeo.com/event/2482773 .
Best Wishes, Marv Waschke
Update on New Zendo Upgrades and Design Process
As the fall rains arrived, our future zendo building was bone dry thanks to a torch down roof installed earlier in the month by Nolan Roofing. Following roof completion, a brand-new electric heat pump was also installed (by Angar), replacing an obsolete unit. Reizan Bob Penny oversaw this work and fully applied his contractor skills and experience to ensuring that all work was carried out to the highest standards. Thank you, Reizan!!
Bob was also one of the ReStore’s original contractors and has arranged for their conscientious demolition crew to remove all of the interior non-load bearing walls on the ground floor of our building. They will also remove various floor coverings, cabinets, and other fixtures that will not be part of our final dharma hall. That work begins on November 14.
The Design Committee (Heidi Epstein, Robin Kucklick, Bob Penny, Mark Flamer, and Bob Rose) have developed some initial ideas about how to best use the building layout to meet our needs. We are also examining how to create a sense of an enclosed sacred space with fencing, plantings, pathways, and water features. Two options for the interior have emerged: creating a zendo and supporting rooms within the current footprint of the building; and investigating an expansion of the east wing to create a larger zendo. Last night (November 1), the Practice Committee (senior sangha members) met to review the committee’s work to date and to offer their suggestions, ideas and concerns about how a proposed design can best meet the ritual and ceremonial needs of our sangha. We will incorporate those concepts in our next round of schematic design.
What we lack, at this time, is any sense of how much each of these design options might cost. During the next month, we will contact local builders to share our ideas and get some estimates for construction costs, timelines and potential issues the city building department may raise. With these projected costs in hand, the board will then determine the appropriate balance of using our capital funds for remodeling and applying funds early on to reduce the mortgage principal (and thereby reducing the amount paid in interest during our 10-year note term). One cautionary note is that some builders are already booked out for a year, and we know that more complex projects entail longer permitting review by the city. So, for the time being, we will continue our practice at the lovely and accommodating Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship facility.
We will keep the sangha informed of our progress through this News blog. Also the Board is working on ways to effectively receive input from our members on the interior design and will let you know as soon as we have a method for this. As part of this process, we’ll schedule an open house once the interior demolition is completed so we can all see what the space will actually look like.
Joden Bob Rose
Board President and Design Committee chair
A reminder that members wishing to deepen their practice can request to work with one of our Practice Leaders as a Mentor. You can start the process by clicking HERE.
Anything related to the practice. Which is to say, anything related to living our lives with more awareness and kindness. You might choose to both read an article or study a text and talk about it; you might choose to make a commitment about daily practice and have someone to check-in on how that's going; you might simply relax together over a cup of tea and feel the deep benefits of spiritual companionship.
Members helping members: A group of volunteers who can offer things to sangha members in need, like:
Members needing a hand: If you are in need of assistance, the sangha may be able to help. Your privacy will be respected.
If you are able to give OR need to receive support, please contact membership@redcedarzen.org.
Nearly 20 people gathered last Saturday night to share and enjoy art created by sangha members. Desiree Webster sent in these pictures:
Tim and Raizelah performing “Landslide/Fleetwood Mac”
Paula Brown describing her spontaneous paintings
Seishin Tyndall playing and singing their own composition (inspired after Talus received hi lay teaching ordination)
Just some of the sangha members in the sharing circle
Sunday Morning in Yakima, Kanhon Heidi Tony Long received the precepts from Shudo Chris Burkhart, assisted by Seiu Hannah Sullivan. It was a very moving ceremony - many attended via Zoom, and Kanhon Heidi Tony's friends and family were present.
Receiving the Rakusa:
Back of the Rakusa:
Full info here: https://www.electionretreat.org/2022-engaged-buddhist-letter-writing-retreats
Red Cedar Zen Community is a 501(c) non-profit organization.